The Aerosol Society DDL Emerging
Scientist Award
Assoc. Prof. Josué Sznitman
Faculty of Biomedical Engineering
Agora University of Oradea Honorary Doctor
Prof. Alfred Bruckstein
Faculty of Computer Science
American Association for the Advancement
of Science (AAAS) Sartorius and Science Prize
for Regenerative Medicine and Cell Therapy
Asst. Prof. Yaron Fuchs
Faculty of Biology
American Biophysical Society (BPS)
Margaret Oakley Dayhoff Award
Assoc. Prof. Meytal Landau
Faculty of Biology
American Ceramic Society
Robert B. Sosman Award
Prof. Wayne Kaplan
Faculty of Materials Science and Engineering
American Chemical Society (ACS Axial) Advances in Measurement Science Award
Assoc. Prof. Ester Segal
Faculty of Biotechnology and Food Engineering
American Society of Civil Engineers (ASCE) Distinguished Member
Prof. Emer. Uri Shamir
Faculty of Civil and Environmental Engineering
Association for Israel Studies (AIS) Annual Shapiro Award for Best Book in Israel Studies
Assoc. Prof. Alona Nitzan-Shiftan
Faculty of Architecture and Town Planning
Clarivate Analytics
Highly Cited Researcher
Prof. Michael Elad
Faculty of Computer Science
Prof. Emer. Basil Lewis
Rappaport Faculty of Medicine
Dist. Prof. Shlomo Shamai (Shitz)
Viterbi Faculty of Electrical Engineering
EuroSys 2019 Jochen Liedke Young
Researcher Award
Assoc. Prof. Dan Tsafrir
Faculty of Computer Science
European Commission Innovation Award
Prof. Hossam Haick
Wolfson Faculty of Chemical Engineering
Foundation for Landscape Studies
The John Brinckerhoff Jackson Book Prize
Assoc. Prof. Alona Nitzan-Shiftan
Faculty of Architecture and Town Planning
The Franklin Institute
2019 Benjamin Franklin Medal
Dist. Visiting Prof. Eli Yablonovitch
Viterbi Faculty of Electrical Engineering
Horizon 2020:
EU Framework Programme for Research And Innovation European Research Council Grants (ERC)
ERC Starting Grant
Assoc. Prof. Ronen Talmon
Viterbi Faculty of Electrical Engineering
Asst. Prof. Yuval Filmus
Faculty of Computer Science
Asst. Prof. Yoav Shechtman
Faculty of Biomedical Engineering
ERC Consolidator
Prof. Shulamit Levenberg
Faculty of Biomedical Engineering
Assoc. Prof. Kinneret Keren
Faculty of Physics
Assoc. Prof. Oren Cohen
Faculty of Physics
ERC Advanced Grant
Prof. Amit Meller
Faculty of Biomedical Engineering
Prof. Ashraf Brik
Schulich Faculty of Chemistry
ERC Synergy Grant
Prof. Yoav Schechner
Viterbi Faculty of Electrical Engineering
Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE)
Prof. Igal Sason
Viterbi Faculty of Electrical Engineering
IEEE Signal Processing Society Best Paper Award
Dist. Prof. Shlomo Shamai (Shitz)
Viterbi Faculty of Electrical Engineering
IEEE Signal Processing Society
Claude Shannon-Harry Nyquist Technical Achievement Award
Prof. Michael Elad
Faculty of Computer Science
International Engineering and Technology Institute (IETI) Fellow
Prof. Igor Verner
Faculty of Education in Science and Technology
NATO Science Partnership Prize
SPS Prize in CBRN Defense
Assoc. Prof. Oded Lewinson
Rappaport Faculty of Medicine
Johnson & Johnson
Women in STEM2D Scholars Award
Asst. Prof. Naama Geva-Zatorsky
Rappaport Faculty of Medicine
Bell Labs Prize
Dist. Prof. Shlomo Shamai (Shitz)
Viterbi Faculty of Electrical Engineering
Republic of France
Ordre des Palmes Académiques
Prof. Daniel Rittel
Faculty of Mechanical Engineering
Schmidt Science Fellows (2019)
Grisha Spektor
Viterbi Faculty of Electrical Engineering
Society for Industrial and Applied Mathematics (SIAM) Fellows
Prof. Michael Elad (2018)
Faculty of Computer Science
Prof. Ron Kimmel (2019)
Faculty of Computer Science
Blavatnik Award for Young Scientists in Israel
Assoc. Prof. Moran Bercovici
Faculty of Mechanical Engineering
Council for Higher Education
Alon Fellowships
Asst. Prof. Ittay Eyal (2018)
Viterbi Faculty of Electrical Engineering
Asst. Prof. Ori Rottenstreich
Technion Computer Engineering Center
Asst. Prof. Aviv Tamar
Viterbi Faculty of Electrical Engineering
Asst. Prof. Yehonadav Bekenstein
Faculty of Materials Science and Engineering
Maof Fellowship
Asst. Prof. Fadi Kizel (2018)
Faculty of Civil and Environmental Engineering
Asst. Prof. Shady Farah
Wolfson Faculty of Chemical Engineering
Asst. Prof. Firas Mawase
Faculty of Biomedical Engineering
Israel Chemical Engineering Association
Entrepreneurship and Innovation Prize
Prof. Havazelet Bianco-Peled
Wolfson Faculty of Chemical Engineering
Lifetime Achievement Award
Prof. Emer. Avinoam Nir
Wolfson Faculty of Chemical Engineering
Israel Heart Society Honorary Fellow
Prof. Emer. Basil Lewis
Rappaport Faculty of Medicine
Israel Planners Association
2018 Notable Planner Award
Prof. Emer. Amnon Frenkel
Faculty of Architecture and Town Planning
Israel Vacuum Society
IVS Research Award
Prof. Yair Ein-Eli
Faculty of Materials Science and Engineering
Municipality of Haifa
Citizen of Merit Award
Dist. Prof. Yitzhak Apeloig
Schulich Faculty of Chemistry
Prof. Emer. Amos Etzioni
Rappaport Faculty of Medicine
Prof. Emer. Elias Toubi
Rappaport Faculty of Medicine
Society of Electrical and Electronics Engineers in Israel (SEEEI) Honorary Fellow
Prof. Emer. Avraham Shitzer
Faculty of Mechanical Engineering
Israel Physical Society (IPS)
Honorary Fellow
Prof. Emer. Joshua Zak
Faculty of Physics
Jacob Bekenstein Prize in Theoretical Physics
Asst. Prof. Shlomo Razamat
Faculty of Physics
Israel Young Academy Elected Member
Assoc. Prof. Asya Rolls
Rappaport Faculty of Medicine
Assoc. Prof. Hagai Perets
Faculty of Physics
Prof. Ashraf Brik
Schulich Faculty of Chemistry
Wolf Foundation
2019 Krill Prize for Excellence
in Scientific Research
Asst. Prof. Shahar Kvatinsky
Viterbi Faculty of Electrical Engineering
Asst. Prof. Yaron Fuchs
Faculty of Biology
Yad Hanadiv (Rothschild Foundation)
Michael Bruno Memorial Award
Prof. Hossam Haick
Wolfson Faculty of Chemical Engineering
Cooper Award for Excellence in Research
Prof. Oleg Gendelman
Faculty of Mechanical Engineering
Asst. Prof. Shoham Sabach
Davidson Faculty of Industrial Engineering
and Management
Alexander Goldberg Research Prize
Asst. Prof. Alex Hayat
Viterbi Faculty of Electrical Engineering
Uzi and Michal Halevy
Innovative Applied Engineering Award
and Research Grants
Asst. Prof. Beni Cukurel
Faculty of Aerospace Engineering
Asst. Prof. Vadim Indelman
Faculty of Aerospace Engineering
Assoc. Prof. Alejandro Sosnik
Faculty of Materials Science and Engineering
Raymond and Miriam Klein Research Prize
Asst. Prof. Galia Maayan
Schulich Faculty of Chemistry
Hilda and Hershel Rich
Technion Innovation Awards
Assoc. Prof. Aharon Blank and Itai Katz
Schulich Faculty of Chemistry
Assoc. Prof. Yael Yaniv
Faculty of Biomedical Engineering
Dr. Hen Dotan, Prof. Gideon Grader, Avigail Landman, Assoc. Prof. Avner Rothschild, and Dr. Gennady Shter
Faculties of Chemical Engineering and Materials Science and Engineering
Assoc. Prof. Sefi Givli and Dr. Itamar Benichou
Faculty of Mechanical Engineering
Assoc. Prof. Moran Bercovici, Tal Zeidman Kalman, Nadya Ostromohov, and Tally Rosenfeld
Faculty of Mechanical Engineering
Assoc. Prof. Carmel Rotschild
Faculty of Mechanical Engineering
Norman Seiden Prize for Academic Excellence
Prof. Levi Schächter
Viterbi Faculty of Electrical Engineering
Diane Sherman Prize for Medical Innovations
for a Better World
Assoc. Prof. Alejandro Sosnik
Faculty of Materials Science and Engineering
Daniel Shiran Memorial Prize
Assoc. Prof. Avi Schroeder
Wolfson Faculty of Chemical Engineering
Henry Taub Prize for Academic Excellence
Assoc. Prof. Tal Carmon
Faculty of Mechanical Engineering
Assoc. Prof. Keren Censor-Hillel
Faculty of Computer Science
Prof. Yuval Ishai
Faculty of Computer Science
Prof. Eugen Rabkin
Faculty of Materials Science and Engineering
Moshe Yanai Awards for Excellence in Education
Assoc. Prof. Daniel Orenstein
Faculty of Architecture and Town Planning
Assoc. Prof. Adi Salzberg
Rappaport Faculty of Medicine
Assoc. Prof. Keren Censor-Hillel
Faculty of Computer Science
Assoc. Prof. Daniella Raveh
Faculty of Aerospace Engineering
Assoc. Prof. Avi Schroeder
Wolfson Faculty of Chemical Engineering
Faculty Prize
Andrew and Erna Viterbi
Faculty of Electrical Engineering
Honorable Mentions
Assoc. Prof. Roee Amit
Faculty of Biotechnology and Food Engineering
Assoc. Prof. Yael Yaniv
Faculty of Biomedical Engineering
Asst. Prof. Roi Reichart
Davidson Faculty of Industrial Engineering
and Management
Career Advancement Chairs
Nancy and Stephen Grand Career
Development Chair
Asst. Prof. Shimrit Shtern
Davidson Faculty of Industrial Engineering
and Management
Irwin and Bethea Green and Detroit Chapter Career Development Chair
Asst. Prof. Yehonadav Bekenstein
Faculty of Materials Science and Engineering
Jack Klein Career Advancement Chair
in Cancer Research
Asst. Prof. Yosef Shamay
Faculty of Biomedical Engineering
Women’s Division Career Advancement Chair
Assoc. Prof. Sabrina Spatari
Faculty of Civil and Environmental Engineering
Northern California Career Development Chair
Asst. Prof. Eilam Yalon
Viterbi Faculty of Electrical Engineering
André Deloro Career Advancement Chair
in Engineering
Asst. Prof. Shay Stern
Faculty of Biology
Chaya Career Development Chair
Asst. Prof. Fady Kizel
Faculty of Civil and Environmental Engineering
Leaders in Science
and Technology
Horev Fellows
Asst. Prof. Nir Lazarovich
Faculty of Mathematics
Asst. Prof. Amit Zeisel
Faculty of Biotechnology and Food Engineering
Taub Fellows
Asst. Prof. Ori Rottenstreich
Faculty of Computer Science
Asst. Prof. Inbal Talgam-Cohen
Faculty of Computer Science